Assessment No. Management Plan Title Reference Common Name Valuation Number Lot /SectionStreetSuburb Sub Category Lease or LicenceComment Name of Owners Area of LandAlienated Plan Ref
A21448 Category 1 CR 5756/381 Water Reserve 9370992001 Section 412 Kappawanta Road Bramfield Water Reserve   Land  dedicated for water purposes  pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.576 HA Yes H551900
A21038 Category 5 CR 5257/150 Vacant Land 9370575005 Section
Grove Rd Bramfield Trig Reserve - Bramfield Hill Licence 18 United Christian Broadcasters - expiry  30/6/2023 Transmission  of radio signal Land dedicated for community purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 8/6/1995 The Crown
Minister for Environment and Water
2.023 Ha Yes H550300
A21371 Category 1 CR 5756/373 Water Reserve 9370974006 Section 370 Old Coach Road Bramfield Open Space   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 3.339 Ha Yes H551900
A21385 Category 1CR 5756/374 Stone Reserve 9370976001 Section 380 South Terrace Bramfield Open Space   Land dedicated for stone purposes  pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 8/1/1987 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 8.1 Ha Yes H551900
A20581Category 1CR 5756/375Parkland Reserve937097740*Section 382East TerraceBramfieldOpen Space Land dedicated for Parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 21/4/1994The Crown Miniter for Environment and Water21.04haYesH551900
A21434 Category 3 CR 5756/380 Bramfield Cemetery 9370991009 Section 411 Chickerloo Road Bramfield Cemetery Fencing and Gates   Land dedicated for cemetery purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 6.253HA Yes H551900
A21006 Category 1 CR 5756/344 Stone Reserve 9370571004 Section 209 Flinders Highway Colton Stone Reserve   Land dedicated for stone purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4.047 Ha Yes H550300
A21010 Category 1 CR 5756/345 Stone Reserve 9370572007 Section 210 Flinders Highway Colton Stone Reserve   Land dedicated for stone purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4.047 Ha Yes H550300
A21024 Category 3CR 5756/346 Colton Cemetery 937057300* Section 211 Flinders Highway Colton Cemetery Reserve   Land dedicated for cemetery purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 10/7/1884 (control granted by Gazette 6/3/1924) The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4.856 Ha Yes H550300
A20991 Category 1 CR5756/343 Stone Reserve 9370568008 Section 204 Hundred of Colton Colton Stone Reserve   Land dedicated for stone and water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 12.14HA Yes H550300
A13481 Category 3 CT 5732/449 Colton Cemetery Access Road 9370538001 Allotment 314 Flinders Highway Colton Access Road Lease to access Cemetery expires 22/5/18 Lease 9   Leslie Robert Williams 1200m2 No Filed Plan 180346
A20973 Category 3CT 5799/314 Memorial Reserve 9370546001 Section 76C Flinders Highway Colton Open Space    District Council of Elliston 1.6 Ha No H550300
A20987 Category 3CT 5799/629 Colton Cemetery 937056500* Section 199 Flinders Highway Colton Cemetery Reserve   In trust to permit suffer and to be used at all times as a public cemetery District Council of Elliston 2.4 Ha No H550300
A21290 Category 1CR5756/364 Water Reserve 9370850003 Section 156 Tinline Coolillie Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 8093m2 Yes H551700
A21317 Category 1CR5756/366 Water Reserve 9370852009 Section 158 Tinline Coolillie Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 6474m2 Yes H551700
A19528 Category 1 CR5752/752 Sandhills 9370173006 Section
Beach Terrace Elliston Coast Reserve   Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands  Act 1929 by Gazette 27/6/1991 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 65.7ha Yes D25299
A20630 Category 2 CR5752/752 Tennis Courts and Sporting Complex, Trudinger Park 9370092011 Allotment 106 1 Memorial Drive Elliston Skate park, playground, bbq, shade, underground sprinklers, fencing Lease 2
Elliston Community Sports Centre expired 20 April 2018
Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands  Act 1929 by Gazette 27/6/1991 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water    D24795
A20711 Category 3 CR5752/752 Parks and Gardens 9370131009 Section
Little Bay Road Elliston Parklands   Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands  Act 1929 by Gazette 27/6/1991 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water    H551900
A20757 Category 3CR5752/752 Undevided Reserve 937017501* Allotment
4-6 Beach Terrace Elliston Parklands   Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands  Act 1929 by Gazette 27/6/1991 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water    DP29193
A20810 Category 2CR5752/752 Golf Course 9370229014 Allotment
Government Road Elliston Golf Course Lease12
Elliston Golf Club Inc
Expired 20 April 2018
Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands  Act 1929 by Gazette 27/6/19911 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water    DP25299
A20743 Category 3CR5752/7522 Open Space 9370174009   Esplanade Elliston Open Space   Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands  Act 1929 by Gazette 27/6/1991 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water   Yes D29193
A21420 Category 3 CR5752/753 Salmon Point Carpark and sculptures 9370983025 Allotment
Clifftop Drive Elliston Coast Protection Reserve   Land dedicated for coast protection purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 17/8/1989 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 111ha Yes DP26424
A20761 Category 3CR5752/755 Old Council Chambers 9370176012 Allotment 106 20 Beach Terrace Elliston Stone building and verandahs   Land dedicated for historical purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 27/6/1991 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 121m2 Yes DP29193
A21335 Category 1 CR5756/367 Coast Protection Reserve 9370934004 Sections 1 and 398  Sections 1 and 398 Elliston Road and coastal reserve   Land dedicated for coast protection purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 7/4/1988 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 47.1ha Yes H551900
A20775 Category 1 CR5756/368 Park and garden Reserve 9370177007 Section 3  Government Road Elliston Sand dunes / foreshore / open space   Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 1/6/1989 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 12.0ha Yes H551900
A21349 Category 1 CR5756/369 Water / swamp 9370935007 Sections 4 and 5 Hd Ward Elliston Lake Hamp   land dedicated for aerodrome purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 12/11/1981 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 159.4ha Yes H551900
A21353 Category 1CR5756/370 Undeveloped coastal and recreation reserve 9370961002 Sections 275, 276,277,278,279,280
,281 and 282
Boords Beach Road Elliston Vacant Coastal Reserve   Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 23/9/1920 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 16.19ha Yes H551900
A21367 Category 1 CR5756/371 Recreation Reserve 9370961002 Sections 283,285,286,287,296,
297,304 and 305
Boords Beach Road Elliston Open space (prickle farm)   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 8/11/1979 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 26.91ha Yes H551900
A21367 Category 1CR5756/372 Vacant Land 9370962013 Section 284 Clementina Drive Elliston Open space   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 14/10/1982 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.023ha Yes H551900
A21399 Category 1 CR5756/376 Water Reserve 9370978007 Sections 383 384 385 Flinders Highway Elliston Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 13/2/1964 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 10.32ha Yes H551900
A20662 Category 4 CR5756/377 House 937009800* Pt Section 388 22 Beach Terrace Elliston Council houses   Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 24/6/1965 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water .1800HA Yes H551900
A20658 Category 4CR5756/377 Houses 9370097007 Section 388 24 Beach Terrace Elliston Council houses   Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 24/6/1965 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 5413m2 Yes H551900
A21402 Category 1 CR5756/378 Stone Reserve 9370981003 Section 390 Flinders Highway Elliston Stone Reserve   Land dedicated for stone purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 8/8/1968 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 7.335ha Yes H551900
A21452 Category 1 CR5756/382 Memorial Reserve 9370997005 Section 417 Jetty Road Elliston Sand dune / vacant land   Land dedicated  for District Council purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 2/4/1903 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.93ha Yes H551900
A21466 Category 3 CR5756/383 Elliston Cemetery 9370997304 Section 418 Colton Back Road Elliston Cemetery niche wall and fencing   Land dedicated for cemetery purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 30/11/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4451m2 Yes H551900
A21470 Category 3 CR5756/384 Port Elliston Cemetery 9370997603 Section 419 58 Spindrift Road Elliston Historic grave sites, cemetery   Land dedicated for cemetery purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4.047ha Yes H551900
A20739 Category 3 CR5756/385 Council reserve 9370172003 Section 420 2 Beach Terrace Elliston Coastal reserve, public toilets, bbq shelter and facilities   Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 18/12/1924 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2030m2 Yes H551900
A20725 Category 4CR5756/386 Workshop 9370132001 Section 436 3 Parndana Road Elliston Rear Depot Lease to EPNRM for a chemical shed on Section 436  for period of 5 years commencing 1/2/2018 Land dedicated for Depot purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 7/2/1980 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 3642m2 Yes H551900
A20707 Category 1 CR5756/388 Recreation reserve 9370130006 Lot 73 7 Little Bay Road Elliston Open Space   Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 20/11/1969 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 607m2 Yes T551902
A20644 Category 3CR5855/28 Elliston Memorial reserve 9370096004 Section 331 36 Beach Terrace Elliston RSL Monument / Memorial and Gazebo    District Council of Elliston .4ha No F218416
A20004 Category 1CR6212/525 Wooded area 9370984001 Section 400 Clifftop Drive Elliston Wooded area   Dedicated pursuant to Section 18 of Crown Lands Management Act 2009 (12971460)
Custodian subject to conditions pursuant to Section 20 of Crown Land Management Act 2009 (12971462)
The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 25.1HA Yes  
A20018 Category 1CR6212/526 Wooded area 9370985004 Section 402 Boords Beach Road Elliston Wooded area   Dedicated pursuant to Section 18 of Crown Lands Management Act 2009 (12971460)
Custodian subject to conditions pursuant to Section 20 of Crown Land Management Act 2009 (12971462)
The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 24.0HA Yes  
A23460 Category 4 CT5477/526 Airport 9370217523 Section 421 5-7 Wookata Drive Elliston Airstrip    District Council of Elliston .96ha No H551900
A23460 Category 4 CT5477/527 Airport   Section 351   Elliston Airstrip    District Council of Elliston 2.436ha No H551900
A23460 Category 4 CT5499/439 Airport   Section 343 and 344   Elliston Airstrip    District Council of Elliston 5.133ha No H551900
A23460 Category 4CT5499/490 Airport   Section 352 and 353   Elliston Airstrip    District Council of Elliston 5.183ha No H551900
A22391 Category 4CT5597/331 Telecommunication Reserve 937097900* Section 386 Government Road Elliston    Lease to DCE  period ongoing use telecommunication service Australian and Oversease Telecom Corp .3700ha No H551900
A23460 Category 4CT5751/125 Airport   Sections 345 346 and 350   Elliston Airstrip    District Council of Elliston 7.5ha No H551900
A10106 Category 3CT5795/341 Jetty lease carpark and jetty 9370177701 Block 1 Hd Ward Elliston Jetty area Lease from Minister of Planning Transport and Infrastructure In trust to permit suffer and to be used at all times for marine and harbors purposes Minister for Transport and Infrastructure 1.22ha No H551900
A24200 Category 1 CT5979/355 Reserve 937001980* Allotment 300 4 North Terrace Elliston Reserve   Subject to service easement(s) ove the land marked A for water supply purposes to South Australian Water Corporation (223LG RPA) District Council of Elliston 2.454ha No D73174
A24200 Category 1CT5979/355 Vacant Land Urban 937001980* Lot 300 4 North Terrace Elliston Vacant Land Urban    District Council of Elliston 2.45HA No D73174
A24101 Category 5 CT5997/114 Elliston CFS Brigade 9370217152 Allotment 11 72 Flinders Highway Elliston Emergency Services Buildings and Structures   Lease to Minister for Emergency Services 1/4/04 to 31/3/2025 with right of renewal for 21 years until 31/3/2046 District Council of Elliston 41.340ha No D70774
A13463 Category 3 CT5997/195 Residential   Lot 158 North Terrace Elliston   Subject to easements over the land marked A for drainage purposes to the Council for the area (TG10725602)   Leslie Robert Williams No   T551902
A25234 Category 1 CT6027/717 Reserve 9370180855 Allotment 300 1 Waterloo Bay Road Elliston Reserve   Being a reserve District Council of Elliston .33ha No D79379
A20676 Category 1 N/A Median Strip 9370105003 Plantation No 2 Beach Terrace Elliston Median Strip    District Council of Elliston   No  
A21191 Category 4 CR5752/754 Drainage Reserve 9370731012 Lot 3 Hundred of McLachlan Lock Sewage Treatment   Land decdicated for drainage purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 16/8/1990 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.980HA Yes D28602
A21137 Category 3 CR5752/761 Water storage reserve 9370723020 Lot 10 Hd McLachlan Lock Stormwater dam Lock Community Sports Centre use water for irrigation purposes on the oval Land dedicated for water supply purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 4/2/1993 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.119ha Yes D35012
A21862 Category 4 CR5756/272 Council Depot 9370397018 Allotment 82 5-9 Starke Street Lock Buildings, workshop, fuel   Land dedicated for depot purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 1/6/2000 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1.417ha Yes D52850
A21218 Category 5CR5756/342 Tooligie CFS Brigade 937073490* Section 36 Government Road Lock Emergency Services Buildings and Structures Licence agreement 1/5/2003 to 30/4/2024 with right of renewal for 21 years until 30/4/2045 Land dedicated for emergency fire service purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 29/1/1987 (control granted by Gazette 2/8/1990) The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 254M2 Yes H532400
A21141 Category 4CR5756/350 Refuse Depot Reserve 9370724007 Section 100 Hundred of McLachlan Lock Refuse Disposal   Land dedicated for refuse depot purposes pursuant to the Crown Land Act 1929 by Gazette 12/12/1935 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.023HA Yes H551000
A21155 Category 2CR5756/352 Golf and recreation reserve 9370727005 Pt Section 118 108 Golf Course Road Lock Sporting Grounds and Club Rooms Lease to Lock Golf Club Pt Sec 118 14/3/1986-2018 as sports ground Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 13/9/1973 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 576.3ha Yes H551000
A21169 Category 2CR5756/352 Sporting Grounds 9370728008 Pt Section 118 333 McLachlan Way Lock Sporting Grounds and Club Rooms Lease to Lock Racing Club Pt Sec 118 14/3/1986-2018 Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 13/9/1973 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water    H551900
A21173 Category 2 CR5756/352 Sporting Grounds 9370729000 Pt Section 118 427 McLachlan Way Lock Sporting Grounds and Club Rooms Lease to Lock Murdinga Tooligie Progress Association Inc Pt Sec 188  14/3/1986-2018 Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 13/9/1973 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water    H551900
A21187 Category 3 CR5756/353 Lock Cemetery 9370730001 Section 122 McLachlan Lock Cemetery and niche wall   Land dedicated for cemetery purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 28/10/1920 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 6.839ha Yes H551000
A20955 Category 2CR5756/354 Parklands reserve, oval 9370447003 Section 128 1-3 North Terrace Lock Sporting grounds, club rooms and sporting infrastructure, light towers Lease to Lock Combined and Recreation Committee 1/6/1988-2018
Lease to Lock Swimming Pool centre Inc 27/4/1997-2018
Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 16/6/1983 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4.03ha Yes H551000
A20941 Category 2CR5756/354 Swimming Pool 9370446000 Section 128 2 Railway Terrace Lock Swimming Pool Lease to Lock Swimming Pool Centre Inc Pt Section 128 Hd McLachlan 27/4/1997-27/4/2018 Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant t othe Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 16/6/1983 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water .1HA Yes 551000
A21204 Category 3 CR5756/356 Vacant Land 937073300* Section 136 McLachlan Lock Drainage  reserve / cropping land Lock Heritage Museum use to crop land Land dedicated for drainage purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 6/11/1986 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 10.3ha Yes H551000
A20842 Category 4 CR5756/357 Old Council Depot 937035400* Allotments 58 and 59 25-27 West Terrace Lock Buildings, workshop, fuel   Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 7/12/1933 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2023m2 Yes T551001
A15390 Category 1CR5919/974 Vacant Land 9370397501 Pt Section 163 and 164 11 Starke Street Lock Vacant land   Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/3/2004 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4.764ha Yes D64003
A20892 Category 2CR5919/974 Caravan/camping park 9370400010 Pt Section 163 and 164 2 Railway Terrace Lock Caravan Park and Infrastructure Lease to the Lock Lions Club 26/6/1997-2018 Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 byGazette 25/3/2004 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water    D64003
A20905 Category 2CR5919/974 Lawn Bowls 9370401013 Pt Section 163 and 164 1-3 Starke Street Lock Bowling rinks and club rooms Lease to Lock Bowling Club Inc 26/6/1997-2018 Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/3/2004 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water    D64003
A20969 Category 2 CR5919/975 Sporting recreation reserve 9370448006 Section 115 5-7 North Terrace Lock Sporting Grounds and Club Rooms, Tennis Courts, Ancillary Buildings Lease to Lock Football Clun abd Lock Sports Centre 26/8/1996-2018 Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 14/7/1983 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 5.413ha Yes H551000
A22274 Category 4CT5459/688 House 9370382000 Lot 137 8 Terre Street Lock House   Subject to easement(s) over the land marked A to the council for the area (T5388198) Minister for Infrastructure   No T551001
A21989 Category 3CT6065/137 Vacant Land    8 McLachlan Street Lock Vacant Land    District Council of Elliston .1HA No D8406
A14348 Category 1CT6096/802 Reserve 9370435707 Lot 67 Birdseye Highway Lock Drainage Reserve    District Council of Elliston   No D89316
A21416 Category 1 CR 5756/379 Stone Reserve 9370982006 Section 392 Flinders Highway Locks Well Open Space   Land dedicated for stone purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 10/12/1970 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 3.908Ha Yes H6551900
A23492 Category 3CR 5892/177 Public Reserve 9370988504 Lot 9 Locks Well Road Locks Well Locks Well toilets, viewing platform, staircase, carpark   Land dedicated for public recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 27/3/2003 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 9.30 Ha Yes D57306
A21272 Category 1CR5756/362 Water Reserve 9370827006 Section 191 Birdseye Highway Mount Joy Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 3.743ha Yes H551600
A21286 Category 2 CR5756/363 Mount Wedge Park Garden and Plantation Reserve 9370828009 Section 192 Talia Mount Wedge Open Space   Land dedicated for plantation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 28/9/1978 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.225ha Yes H551600
A21303 Category 1 CR5756/365 Water Reserve 9370851006 Section 157 Tinline Mount Wedge Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 12 November 1908 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.933HA Yes H551700
A21268 Category 2CT5809/417 Memorial Reserve 9370825000 Section 180 Government Road Mount Wedge Memorial Plaque    District Council of Elliston 4480m2 No H551600
N/A Category 5  Mount Wedge CFS Brigade   Adjacent to Section 128 Kyancutta Road   Mount Wedge Emergency Services Buildings and Structures Licence agreement 1/5/2003-30/4/2024 with right to renewal for further 21 years until 30 April 2045    397.400HA No  
A21060 Category 2 CR5756/347 Murdinga Oval and Recreation Park 9370611002 Section 31 Hundred of Cowan Murdinga Open Space   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 19/11/1936
Refer: NNTR SCD2016/001 Barngarla determination Schedule 3:land and waters where native title exists (Native Title Land)
The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4.047HA Yes H550400
A21042 Category 5CR5756/348  DC Reserve 9370582002 Allotments 16 and 16 Cross Street Murdinga    Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 12/7/1956 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2023m2 Yes T550401
A21056 Category 3 CR5756/349 Closed refuse site 9370588009 Allotment 31 Murdinga Terrace Murdinga Refuse Site   Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 10/9/1987 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 5058m2 Yes T550401
A21254 Category 2CR5756/361 Water Reserve 9370806002 Section 35 Squire Palkagee Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water conservation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 24/4/1985 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 58.27ha Yes H551500
A21678 Category 4 CR5756/401 Closed Refuse Disposal 9371419004 Section 44 Hundred of Wright Port Kenny Refuse Disposal   Land dedicated for refuse purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 17/12/1964 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.428HA Yes H652300
A21682 Category 2CR5756/402 Recreation, Sporting and Oval Reserve (Old Oval) 9371421008 Section 51 23034 Flinders Highway Port Kenny Sporting ground and Ancillary Structures   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 9/1/1969 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 6.462HA Yes H652300
A21696 Category 2 CR5756/403 Port Kenny Golf Clubrooms and Course 9371425009 Section 65 22706 Flinders Highway Port Kenny Sporting Ground and Club Rooms   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 22/3/1979 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 30.08HA Yes H652300
A21709 Category 3 CR5756/404 Conglama Cemetery 9371426001 Section 69 Hundred of Wright Port Kenny Cemetery and Niche Wall   Land dedicated for cemetery purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 4/10/1956 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 8094M2 Yes H652300
A21664 Category 1CR5756/405 Coastal Recreational Reserve 9371352006 Section 70 Hundred of Wright Port Kenny Coastal Reserve   Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 3/6/1954 (Portion added by Gazette 18/6/1987) The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.99HA Yes H652300
A21646 Category 1CR5756/405 Coastal Recreational Reserve 9371327003 Section 98 2 Beach Terrace Port Kenny Coastal Reserve   Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 3/6/1954 (Portion added by Gazette 18/6/1987) The Crown Minister for Environment and Water .46HA Yes H652300
A21713 Category 1 CR5756/407 Coastal Reserve 9371430000 Section 79 Government Road Port Kenny Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water suply purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 26/1/1989 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 12.0HA Yes H652300
A20252 and A21727 Category 1CR5756/408 Coastal Recreation and Water Reserve 9371417500 Allotment 2 and Sections 86 and 95 Beach Terrace Port Kenny Open Space and Access to Thulnippie Water Reserve   Land dedicated for recreation and water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/3/1993 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 24.2HA Yes H652300
A21650 Category 3CR5756/409 Memorial Park and Recreation Reserve 9371328006 Section 97 4 Beach Terrace Port Kenny Vacant Land   Land declared for parkland purposes by Gazette 15/10/1992 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 884M2 Yes H652300
A20266 Category 1 CR6029/854 Water Reserve 9371429018 Allotment 3 Hundred of Witera and Wright Port Kenny Water Supply Infrastructure Lease with Zaroma Trust for 5 years expiring 20/7/2022 Land dedicated for water supply purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/3/1993 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 56.91HA Yes D32749
N/A Category 3  Parklands     Flinders Highway, road reserve, island Port Kenny Playground, BBQ Shelter, Stormwater drainage    The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 3.5HA Yes  
NA Category 5   Port Kenny CFS Brigade    Flinders Highway road reserve adjacent to Cheetina Terrace Port Kenny Emergency Services Buildings and Structures Licence agreement 1/12/2004-30/11/2025 with right to renewal for 21 years to 30/11/2046   The Crown Minister for Environment and Water .060HA No  
A23393 Category 1 CR5752/3 Recreation Reserve 937101180* Allotment 3 Hundred of Way Sheringa Camp Ground, Toilets, Open Space, Sand Dunes   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 20/4/2000 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 21.3HA Yes D49553
A20220 Category 1 CR5752/4 Recreation Reserve 9371041259 Section 439 Hundred of Way Sheringa Carpark Area   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 20/4/2000 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 46.7HA Yes H552000
A20171 Category 1CR5754/948 Recreation Reserve 9371037006 Section 392 Government Road Sheringa Sand Dunes and Stair Case   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 20/4/2000 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 17.0HA Yes H552000
A21240 Category 1 CR5756/360 Stone Reserve 9370786005 Section 146 Government Road Sheringa Stone Reserve   Land dedicated for stone purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1.112HA Yes H551300
A21501 Category 1CR5756/389 Parks and Gardens 9371028804 Section 372 Hundred of Way Sheringa Old Sporting Grounds (Open Space) Annual Licence to Davin John Murphy for promary production purposes commencing on 1/12/1972 and expiring on 30/11/2019 and continuing on annual basis on payment of the licence fee to Crown Lands Land dedicated for parkland purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 1/11/1945 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 15.28HA Yes H552000
A21515 Category 1CR5756/390 Water Reserve 9371032002 Section 385 Government Road Sheringa Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1.922HA Yes H552000
A21529 Category 1CR5756/391 Water Reserve 9371033005 Section 386 Government Road Sheringa Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 2/4/1914 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 3.035HA Yes H552000
A21533 Category 1CR5756/392 Water Reserve 9371034008 Section 387 Government Road Sheringa Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 8094M2 Yes H552000
A21547 Category 1 CR5756/393 Stone Reserve 9371035000 Section  388 Government Road Sheringa Stone Reserve   Land dedicated for stone purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 4.047HA Yes H552000
A21551 Category 1 CR5756/394 Water Reserve 9371036003 Section 389 Hundred of Way Sheringa Water Reserve   Land dedicated for water purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 6.880HA Yes H552000
A21565 Category 3 CR5756/395 Sheringa Cemetery 9371040002 Section 404 Hundred of Way Sheringa Cemetery and Access Road   Land dedicated for cemetery purposes pursuant to the crown Land Act 1929 by Gazette 23/8/1883 (control granted by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 7.588HA Yes H552000
A21119 Category 1 CR5756.399 Geology and scenic reserve 9370639806 Section 286 Hundred of Downer Talia Memorial and Camp Ground   Land dedicated for geology and scenic coast purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 7/4/1988 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 29.0HA Yes H650700
A21088 Category 1CR5756/396 Dev Reserve 937062900* Section 256 Government Road Talia Dev Reserve   Land dedicated for memorial purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 7/4/1988 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1010M2 Yes H650700
A21092 Category 1 CR5756/397 Slaughter House Reserve 9370633009 Section 265 Government Road Talia Open Space   Land dedicated for slughter purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1.011HA Yes H650700
A21105 Category 3 CR5756/398 Talia Cemetery 9370634001 Section 266 Government Road Talia Cemetery   Land dedicated for cemetery purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/5/1916 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 6.879HA Yes H650700
A21236 Category 1 CR5756/358 Memorial and Recreation Reserve 9370762003 Section 32 Hundred of Peachna Tooligie Road Reserve   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 1/9/1932
Refer: NNTR SCD2016/001 Barngarla determination Schedule 3:land and waters where native title exists (Native Title Land)
The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 6.070HA Yes H551200
A21222 Category 1CR5756/359 Memorial reserve 937074100* Allotment 20 Peachna Street Tooligie Memorial   Land dedicated for District Council purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 7/12/1933 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1012M2 Yes H551201
A20595 Category 3 CR5752/757 Recreation Reserve Foreshore 9371048012 Allotment 51 14 Matson Terrace Venus Bay New Public Toilets, Water Tanks and Biocycle system, BBQ Shelter, Basketball Ring and Playgroun, Paved Pathways   Land dedicated for recreation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 17/3/1994 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1.84HA Yes D34138
A21632 Category 1CR5752/758 Coastal Conservation Reserve 9371422027 Sections 54, 91 and 105, Allotments 30 and 39, Allotment 50 Hundred of Wright Venus Bay Doyle's Well, Coastal Reserve, Road Reserve and Coastal Reserve   Land dedicated for coastal conservation purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 25/2/1993 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 591HA Yes H652300, D34878
A21759 Category 1CR5752/759 Undeveloped Reserve 9371408014 Allotment 58 Hundred of Wright Venus Bay Undeveloped Reserve   Land dedicated for caravan park purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 17/3/1994 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 2.46HA Yes D34994
A21597 Category 1 CR5756/406 Venus Bay Foreshore Reserve 9371050702 Section 77 Matson Terrace Venus Bay Coastal Reserve   Land dedicated for foreshore purposes pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929 by Gazette 23/10/1986 The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1.70HA Yes H652300
A21745 Category 4 CR5772/120 Recreation and Conservation Reserve 9371202016 Allotment 62 Government Road Venus Bay Road and Carpark at Venus Look Out, Venus Bay Water Supply, Walking Trail, Open Space   Land dedicated for recreation and conservation purposes pursuant to the Crown Land Act 1929 by Gazette 22/8/1991 (Portion removed by Gazette 17/3/1994) The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 126HA Yes D34608
A24345 Category 3CR6130/838 Crown Reserve 9371049058 Allotment 30 16 Matson Terrace Venus Bay Old public toilets and Coastal Reserve   Dedicated pursuant to Section 18 of Crown Land Management Act 2009 (12089926)
Custodian subject to conditions pursuant to Section 20 of the Crown Land Management Act 2009 (12089928)
The Crown Minister for Environment and Water 1.36HA Yes D93078
A23537 Category 1 CT5864/891 Water Reserve 9371408567 Allotment 2 Hundred of Wright Venus Bay Tank and Mill and Town Water Supply Infrastructure    District Council of Elliston 2.46HA No D57656