Fire Prevention

District Council of Elliston encourages all property owners and residents to undertake necessary and timely fire prevention measures before and during each Fire Danger Season.

Council emphasises the importance of undertaking necessary fire prevention measures for the safety of your family, pets, property, neighbours, community and environment.

Fire prevention is more than a weekend clean-up before the bushfire season, it’s a year-round responsibility.

District Council of Elliston is committed to supporting residents to be bushfire ready. Under the Fire and Emergency Services Act, Council employs qualified Fire Prevention Officers who educate the community, inspect properties and undertake assessments across the district to assist in minimising the risk of fires spreading.

All property owners, are responsible for ensuring the preparation of their property for the fire danger season. This includes installing and maintaining fire breaks and reducing fuel loads on your property. Properties must be prepared prior to the Fire Danger Season and maintained to a standard throughout the Fire Danger Season.

Council’s Fire Prevention Officers inspect properties prior to and throughout the Fire Danger Season. Inspections commence in September each year. If your property does not meet the requirements at this time, further action, including the issuing of legal notices, and expiations may occur.

A well prepared home is more likely to survive a bushfire than one that hasn't been prepared. A well prepared home:

  • can be easier for you or firefighters to defend
  • is more likely to survive, even if you're not there
  • is less likely to put your neighbours' homes at risk
  • will give you more protection if a fire threatens suddenly and you cannot leave and must take shelter.

Owners are responsible for keeping their properties fire safe, removing any fuel piles, long grass and cleaning debris under trees.

Preparing your property and yourselves for the fire danger season:

  • Cut grass to no higher than 10cm height and maintain it for the entire season.
  • Remove dead branches, eaves and undergrowth from around your home
  • Prune tree limbs less than two metres above ground
  • Prune branches overhanging your house, sheds and any other structures and your boundary fence
  • Remove bark, heavy mulch, wood piles and any other flammable materials close to your home and sheds
  • Clean out your gutters
  • Check you have completed a bushfire survival plan
  • Know your bushfire safer places and last resort refuge locations (which can be found on the CFS website)
  • Ensure you have a battery operated radio and the renew the batteries each season
  • Ensure your home is fitted with hard wired smoke alarms and change the batteries when you adjust your clocks for daylight saving

It is required for allotments less than 0.5ha that all fuel is cleared around houses and property to a maximum height of 10cm.

For allotments greater the 0.5ha a 20m fuel reduction zone is required around homes and a 5m fuel reduction zone around sheds and other infrastructure. A 5m fire break is required around boundaries, trees and fallen timber.

The CFS website also contains a wealth of information for preparing your home and property.

Contractors available to carry out fire prevention works to properties within the District Council of Elliston (with no affiliation to Council):




Josh Williams 0427 220 690Elliston, Sheringa, Bramfield
Steph and Sue0427 802 035 or 8625 5170Venus Bay, Port Kenny
Graham Spiers0417 896 991Lock
Streaky Bay & Areas Slashing and MowingCall Greg & Sonya - 0487 445 693Venus Bay, Port Kenny, Elliston, Sheringa
(Able to do larger works.)
Elliott Nunan0447 094 040Waterloo Bay Heights area Elliston
Port Lincoln M & M Trees8682 4355Provides all tree management services on EP.
Ceduna Tree Trimming0408 581 625Tree management services on EP.

If you are a Contractor and your name does not appear on this list, contact Council and we will arrange for it to be added.

Native Veg Info

The State Government, CFS and Native Vegetation Council and Local Councils work together to protect life and property, while still recognising the value of native vegetation.

Reducing the amount of vegetation around your property is a good way to reduce the fuel a bushfire needs to burn.

However, there are limits to what you can clear without permission.

There are rules in place to help manage bushfire risks and protect lives and property, while minimising the effects on native vegetation, animals, and their ecosystems.

Find out more on the CFS website and Dept for Environment and Water.

Burning during the fire danger season period should only be considered as a last resort.  Consider, do I have to burn now or can this wait until a safer time during the year?

Fire Permits are mandatory for any fires during the Fire Danger Season. If you intend to burn or conduct broadacre burning, you must request a permit from an Authorised officer listed below:



Michael Zacher0429 891 200 or 8689 1166
John Haagmans0427 822 847
Reyah Agars0428 878 854 or 8687 8755
Luke Pryor0466 875 540
Michael Greig0474 474 551
Saxon Kay0428 754 669
Jasmin Cobby0488 527 127

Individuals have the convenience of completing their fire permit applications in the District Council of Elliston area online.

To complete the online application, click on the following link:

For timely processing, permit applications should be submitted at least 2 days prior to the planned burning date.


Please read District Council of Elliston Broadacres Burning Permit Conditions to assist in the practice of safe broad acre stubble burning, windrow burning & stubble dump burning

For additional information regarding fire permits, please visit the CFS website or Region 6 Headquarters Ph 8682 4266.

Tenth Schedule Hot Work Permits are available only through the District Council of Elliston Fire Prevention Officers or Region 6 office.

Smoke and burning in the open is an issue of concern to the community and its impact on air quality and amenity are well recognized.

The Environment Protection (Clean Air) Policy 2016 outlines the conditions and controls that are imposed on burning in the open.

For burning off in townships outside of the bushfire season the following conditions must be adhered to:

  • Contact Council before lighting the fire
  • Only burn between the hours of 10am and 3pm Monday to Friday.  Weekends and public holidays are not permitted
  • Ensure a space immediately around and about the fire is cleared of all flammable material to a distance of at least four (4) metres
  • Ensure a sufficient supply of water to extinguish the fire is on hand at all times
  • Ensure a person (over the age of 16 years) who is able to control the fire is present at the site of the fire from the time it is lit to the time it is completely extinguished
  • Only dry timber or timber derivative may be burnt.  No rubbish or other materials are permitted
  • Don’t burn timber with any chemical preservatives (eg permapine, creosote).  Burning any prohibited substances is also illegal
  • Consider your neighbours and let them know of your intention prior to lighting the fire. People’s health may be adversely effected by smoke.
  • If asked to extinguish the fire because someone is affected, you must comply
  • Remember, no fires are permitted on a total fire ban day under any circumstances
  • Before burning off, check the CFS and EPA websites for any further conditions in your area
  • In an emergency contact 000