The District Council of Elliston has eight (8) members, comprising the Mayor and seven (7) Elected Members.

The Mayor, who is selected by the Elected Members, presides over all Council meetings and is the official spokesperson for the Council.

All Elected Members have been elected by the community to represent your interests. Like you, they are residents or ratepayers and share your concerns about quality of life and the provision of services and facilities.


Council holds its Ordinary Council Meeting on the third (3rd) Tuesday of the month at 9:00am.

Generally, all meetings are open for viewing from the public unless advised otherwise.

There are rare occasions, however, where the Council may resolve that the meeting be closed so that an item can be considered in confidence. All members or the public are required to leave the meeting for the duration of that particular discussion.

Items for which the meeting may be closed include personnel or legal issues, personal hardship of a person, industrial or contractual matters or property or commercial transactions in which the Council has an interest.

These items are generally considered at the end of the meeting so as not to inconvenience members of the public who are attending the meeting.


Council Agendas are available to the public a minimum of three (3) days prior to the meeting date. Copies can be obtained via the website, are available for public viewing at the Council Office or a hard copy is available for purchase according to our Fees & Charges Schedule.


Council Minutes are available to the public a maximum of five (5) days following the Council meeting date. Copies can be viewed via the website or at the Council Office.

A hard copy can be purchased according to our Fees & Charges Schedule.


Community members can put forward their views on particular issues to a Council Meeting via a deputation or presentation.

Deputations/presentations must be received in writing a minimum of five (5) days before the Council Meeting date. All submissions must be approved by the Council Mayor.

For further information, please contact the Council office.


At Council Meetings, there is a provision for Questions from members of the Public.

Public questions to an Ordinary Meeting are to be set out on the required "Public Question Time" application form.

All public questions must be submitted to Council by 2:30pm on the day prior to the Ordinary Meeting at the Mayor's discretion.

The Public Question Time Procedure can be viewed here and the application form downloaded here and returned to Council.


The District Council of Elliston recognises its duty to conduct all business in public unless a specific Confidentiality Order (made in public) is resolved by the Council or Committee.

Occasionally Council uses workshops or briefings to provide training, better understanding of an issue or to explore an issue in an informal environment.

Such workshops or informal gatherings are not used to make decisions. all decision making is conducted at Council meetings.


Members of the public are not permitted to enter into the debate at meetings and must remain silent at all times. However, there are various ways you can have your views made known. These include letters or petitions to Council. You can also request a deputation to address a meeting of Council or one of its Committees. This request should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer at least a week before the meeting.

You do not need to stay for the entire meeting, but may leave quietly at any time you choose.