Following is a detailed explanation of the services provided by the Council to the community. The cash flows generated by the provision of these services are summarised in the budget for the financial year ending 30 June 2014. The services are broken up into the 5 organisational units of the Council being corporate services, community services, infrastructure services, environmental services and executive services.

Corporate Services

There are 2 categories of governance being organisational and elected member. Expenses incurred in this service include executive salaries, elected members expenses and allowance, member training, memberships, travel, conferences, public liability, insurance, administration and officer support to Council.

Administration services cover the following activities:

  • Financial Services provision of accounting services, record keeping, bill paying, payroll, insurance, financial reporting and management.
  • Human Resources compliance with Occupational Health Safety and Welfare (OHS and W) policies and legislation, recruitment, rehabilitation and performance management.
  • Information Technology operation of the Council's information technology systems, purchase and/or lease of computer hardware.
  • Communication telephone and internet services.
  • Rates Administration administration and collection of rates and associated record keeping.
  • Records Management maintenance of records management system.
  • Customer Service customer support at the Council office plus a range of community administration services.

Financing and Investing 
Covers cash inflows and outflows associated with the Councils financing and investing activities.


Community Services

Aged Services 
This service covers the following activity:

  • Support of community health service
  • Aged accommodation strategy

Youth Services 
This service covers the following activities:

  • Support of the regional Youth Advisory Committee
  • Skate park at Elliston
  • Cultural and Arts
  • This service covers the following activities:
  • Event support
  • Civic functions

Library Services 
Council will work with DECS to ensure the library service at Lock will continue to meet the needs of the population.
The services provided by libraries include:

  • Books and magazines
  • Free internet
  • Room hire


Infrastructure Services

Community Waste Water Management System (CWMS) 
This service covers maintenance and construction of the effluent scheme at Lock. Activities include, repairing and replacing lines as required. Ongoing inspections of system connections are also conducted to ensure all connections have been installed and operating correctly.
Council will investigate a scope of works for the future installation of a CWMS in the township of Elliston. This would only be proceeded with if significant grant funding is made available.

Waste Management and Recycling 
Collection of waste, kerbside recycling, operation of waste disposal facility, general litter collection and drum musters. The solid waste levy payable to the Environment Protection Agency is also charged to this area.

Roads and Footpaths 
This service covers the following activities:

  • Road and footpaths construction ¡V annual works program and developer contributed works;
  • Street cleaning and lighting;
  • Car parking and public conveniences;
  • Works depots;
  • Cycle and walking paths.
  • Road maintenance - fixing pot holes, reinstating trenches across roads, small patches of resealing and repairing and straightening rough edges. Kerbing, water tables and traffic signage are also charged to this activity.
  • Ongoing upgrade and replacement of plant and equipment.
  • Road maintenance of rural unsealed roads ¡V grading, tree trimming and spraying of weeds;
  • Footpath maintenance - laying and rolling of crusher fines along the footpath, general footpath rolling, potholing and minor re-sheeting.
  • Street sweeping in each of the towns - commercial areas twice per week, the cleaning of bins and footpath pavement and the picking up of litter by hand.
  • The Elliston Aerodrome - inspected on a weekly basis including checking of runway light functionality as well as the windsock. Maintenance also includes slashing of overgrowth and weed spraying

Foreshore Protection 
This service covers the management of coastal environment and provision of facilities to enable sustainable use of coastal areas including the provision of boat ramps. Revegetation will be undertaken where required to ensure protection of the foreshores. Foreshore maintenance will continue along the length of Councils beach front maintaining and repairing the infrastructure as needed. Minor maintenance issues will be attended to such as cleaning up of camp grounds, fixing access points and beach front furniture.

Storm water Drainage 
This service covers the storm water management and recycling including management and collection of street runoff and the development of capital schemes to enable the reuse of storm water. A storm water Management Plan including the prioritising of works and developing a works program to upgrade the regions storm water infrastructure will continue through 2013 - 2014.

Private Works 
This service covers the infrastructure work performed by Council on behalf of individuals or the government. This work is charged out at commercial rates.

Environmental Services

Legislative Compliance 
This service covers dog and cat management, traffic control, fire control, health control and emergency services as required under various pieces of legislation.

Parks and Gardens 
This service covers the provision and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities including parks and reserves as well as playgrounds.
Parks and gardens include the town squares, reserves and traffic islands. Maintenance includes the trimming of trees, cutting of lawns, repairs to sprinkler systems, repairs to playgrounds, repairs to seating and benches as well as general maintenance to the numerous structures built within these parks and reserves.

Planning includes the assessment of development applications under the Development Act to ensure compliance with the Councils development plan and the building code. It is a statutory requirement of Local Government to perform this function.

Council operates cemeteries in each of the townships for the local and regional community. Expenditure includes the costs involved in locating, digging and backfilling of graves and general maintenance.
General Maintenance involves repairs to fencing and gates, the emptying of bins, gardening, watering and mowing as and where required.

Public Conveniences 
The maintenance and cleaning of public conveniences is undertaken by Council on a regular basis. Council will continue to undertake maintenance and upgrades of these facilities as and when required.
Public conveniences are inspected twice per week with basic plumbing and other repairs and maintenance carried out as required.

Natural Resource Management 
Council collects a levy on behalf of the state government and the Natural Resource Management Board. Decisions relating to natural resource management are made by this Board independently from the Council.


Executive Services

Economic Development 
Economic development activities include strategic land development divisions, Regional Development Australia membership, encouraging industrial development as well as representing the Elliston regions interests at other levels of government.

Tourism activities include increasing visitation by tourists through the support of visitor’s information centres, marketing and promotion, special events, development of tourism assets including the foreshore, RV Friendly areas and campgrounds.