Deputation Request

"Deputation means a person or group of persons who wish to appear personally before a council or council committee in order to address the council of committee (as the case may be) on a particular matter".

Council welcomes the opportunity to hear from residents and groups about matters that are important within the Community.

In order to present a Deputation you should:

  • Provide Council with a clear outline of the topic of your request
  • Ensure the topic you specify is relevant to matters for which the Council has responsibilty
  • Agree to adhere to the meeting protocol
  • Submit your Deputation request to the Chief Executive Officer. So that your Deputation can be included in the monthly agenda if accepted, Council encourages you to submit the Deputation by 5.00pm on the Tuesday prior to the Council meeting

You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your request, which will be forwarded to the Mayor for acceptance. In determining whether a Deputation should be allowed, the following considerations will be taken into account:

  • the subject matter of the proposed Deputation
  • Whether it is within the powers of the Council
  • Relevance to the Council agenda nominated - and if not, relevance to the Council's powers or purpose
  • The integrity of the  request, and
  • The size and extent of the agenda for the particular meeting

If your Deputation is declined, the Mayor or Presiding Member must report the declined application at the next Council meeting. The Council has the power to allow a Deputation to be heard although initially refused.